Why Donate?

“Dealing with a progressive disease, Destination Rehab has had a huge positive impact on my life as [we] have navigated our new normal. I can honestly say that because of DR, I do not consider myself handicapped…why?...because this organization has given me the skills, tools, equipment, encouragement and confidence to make the most of my life.  I am one happy camper. Not only do I benefit from one-on-one physical therapy, but I also participate in PEAK, our personal and group physical fitness program.  In addition to PEAK, we have the ADVENTURE GROUP – which takes participants on outdoor “adventures” such as kayaking, ziplining, to the tops of mountains and the trails of our Cascades, indoor rock climbing….and more! Those of us who come together in these groups deal with various neurological conditions – and Destination Rehab provides a safe and comfortable environment for us with their supervision, equipment, and encouragement.  Needless to say, our group programs also create a tight supportive social family –invaluable.” - Sally, Board member and Participant

By donating to Destination Rehab’s greatest needs fund, you are supporting individuals like Sally, as they navigate their new normal.

Patient Testimonals

Destination Rehab reintroduced me to outdoor activities and changed my mindset on what I can do. The PT’s are professional and caring, they are right there watching you and helping you, and most importantly giving you the confidence to try new things.
— Lynn Miller
What we do is challenging but it provides a purpose. I am so thankful for the Destination Rehab team, they are all encouraging and helpful.
— Linda Pheasant
The staff of Destination Rehab has shown me that I can have fun while working towards my goals. Being able to ride a trike, or kayak, or play pickleball has given me the feeling of having wind in my face and the ability to be active, which I love.
— Allison