Young Neuro Group

A free social group for young adults (primarily 20s-50s) experiencing conditions such as Stroke, Brain Injury, Parkinson’s, Spinal Cord Injury, and Multiple Sclerosis

Upcoming social gatherings in the Bend area!

Tuesday, January 21st at 1 pm - Tai Chi class at Deschutes Public Library in the Brooks Room (downtown Bend)

Thursday, February 20th at 10 am - Snowshoeing at Swampy Lakes (RSVP Required)

Saturday, April 26th at 10 am - Walk MS at Riverbend Park (799 SW Columbia St. Bend, OR 97702)

Contact: | 541-241-6837

Who: You! Young adults with neurologic diagnoses! (primarily 20s-50s)

What: Monthly social gatherings or excursions to get to know others in the area with similar diagnoses.

Cost: FREE

Location: Bend area